
our human pillars

Meet here the pillars of our collective, combining their superpowers into unique fireworks for each of our projects

anne merlin

Anne Merlin

Creativity champion, Anne specializes in sparking creativity, harnessing collective intelligence and embodied learning. With an holistic approach, Anne focuses on fostering inclusivity, collaboration, and ecological awareness alongside creation, ensuring a well-rounded and meaningful experience for participants.

maxime lindon

Maxime Lindon

Storytelling alchemist, Maxime's screenwriting background bridges the worlds of cinema and marketing, allowing him to guide participants in crafting impactful stories with digital tools. Passionate guide, Maxime is a listener, helping participants transform their ideas into projects with a heartbeat, fuelled by powerful storytelling and accessible tools.

camille lemoine

Camille Lemoine

Health magician, Camille cares for our bodies and souls by cooking ecological, ethical and delicious food during our activities. A bit of a sorcerer, she picks wild herbs and plants to mix them in her unique way with fresh, tasty and local food. She will surprise your papillae whilst sharing her extensive knowledge on nature and the human body.

valentina arosio

Valentina Arosio

President of Tiliade, Valentina enriches our work with her deep experience and wisdom come from a flourishing career in publishing. She knows best how to accompany artists towards the emergence of their art and generously shares her superpowers.

nicolas lindon

Nicolas Lindon

Human harmonizer, Nicolas excels in feeling people, connecting and giving birth to meaningful work. Diversity and inclusion advocate, Nico helps Tiliade making everyone feel comfortable, listened to and cared for in our team and projects.

Want to join the team? Let us know!