
Mobile Stories #2 –  2023

Mobile Stories welcomed 30 creatives from Belarus, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine for a transmedia training & residency leading to a collective creation and exhibition.

With workshops animated by trainers and moments of skill sharing among participants, educators, artists and social workers dived into a variety of embodied and multimedia
storytelling tools, experiencing diverse educational & artistic approaches and practices.

In less than two weeks of co-living & co-working, participants explored their relation to themselves, each other, the environment as well as diverse media, weaving personal stories into a crazy collective one, expressed through photos, videos, animations and performances…

You’re invited to discover here parts of the immersive process of their artistic experimentation, some threads of this adventure and collective creations.

by Francesca Sforza

Here comes some footage from key exercises and moments documenting steps of collective process.

1. A sensorial animal exploration of the surroundings, in a meadow of the Oasis des âges / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

2. An improvised dance of personal key chapters of participants’ lives / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

3. A “quick and dirty” transmedia performance inspired by collective poems / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

4. A story mapping exercise to host many different collective stories / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

5. A collage workshop inspired by material found at Oasis des âges / workshop offered by Alice Ghilardi

6. A stop motion workshop animating collages / workshop offered by Lucia Ruggieri and Vasco de Morais Santos Silva

7. An improvised collective performance / workshop offered by Elio Rosalba Bonaccini

8. A collective dream of Mobile Stories final event being built from the words and ideas of everyone present / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

9. Moments of creation of Mobile Stories collective transmedia artwork / workshop offered by Anne Merlin

by Mobile Stories collective

Discover here the stop motion animations created in an hour and a half by our participants on the basis of collages made of magazines.

by Maxime Lindon & Denise Forestan

During a workshop offered by Elio Rosalba Bonaccini, our group dived in the creation of an improvised collective performances. Those images document this particular moment of our shared experience.

by Mobile Stories collective

A lonely workshop, near the forest’s wall,
Hosts an artisan, crafting, feeling small.
Building wooden boxes, by day and night,
For a factory: a chocolate making site…

Her heart’s like a box, empty, with no beat,
But dreaming at night, she would get a hit.
Chocolate so grand and so delicious,
Would make her wonder and feel damn curious…

She says, «No more dreams, I’ll face what’s real,
Chocolate factory, what do you conceal?»
But there, the truth was workers’ misery
The fortune of some, for more: poverty…

Mixed up chocolate with a poison twist,
People addicted, a much darker shift.
Deep in her nightmare, she met a racoon,
eating chocolate, poor sickening fool…

Waking up in fear, she sees the forest
Calling for action: no time left to rest.
To act or not to? A new dilemma…
Her unsettled mind hesitates. Voilà.

In local farmers, she found her allies.
Anger turned to hope. They’re ready to fight,
Factory owners, you shall not prevail!
Fighting with courage, ripping down the veil.

Back into nature, under the stars’ light,
In an onion field, the future seems bright.
Until dawn appears, and with it a doubt…
Was her victory as real as she thought?

Near the factory, at the end of day
She had a vision, but she couldn’t say.
A lonely workshop, near the forest’s wall,
Hosts an artisan, crafting, feeling small.